Does it Take a Lot of Money to Trade?

Anybody Can Trade Unlike other markets, most FOREX brokers have low minimum account requirements.  Almost everybody can open a live account.  With the power of leveraging (also known as “gearing”), your dollar, yen, pound, or whichever currency you fund your account with; it can have so much more trading power than stocks and other securities.  ... Read more

How to Choose a FOREX Broker

Brokers.  We need them and to a large degree, they need us.  In this blog, we’ll discuss types of brokers, why you, as a retail trader, have specific access to trading volume, and different kinds of accounts – so get a drink, sit back, and buckle in. Love, Hate, and Indifference First, let’s talk about ... Read more

Is Forex Trading Gambling?

Say it Ain’t so The statement, “Isn’t Forex trading like gambling” has been uttered by many uninformed individuals, for a long time.  We’ve all heard those words at one time or another, “FOREX?  Isn’t that some kind of crazy gambling scam?”  You then hear that same phrase, “I heard a story of a guy who lost ... Read more

Trading as a Profession

Let Me Off Trading as a profession…the ultimate dream.  Jumping off the 9-5 merry-go-round grind, telling your ungrateful boss to take a long walk off a short pier, ditching the commute, kissing your annoying coworkers and ungrateful customers goodbye.  It sounds heavenly, doesn’t it?  The trick is getting from “here” to “there”. Three Ways From ... Read more

Forex Regulators – Who’s Watching Who?

The Watchers – a Look Into Trading Oversight Looking Through the Lens Let’s talk about who watches the market, through the referee lens.  Back in the early days of on-line trading, before the 2008 financial crises, the Spot Currency Market was akin to the wild west.  Brokers from all over the world lured traders with ... Read more