Trading Losses – How much is too much?

Losses are a part of trading.  Even the best trades who are considered “elite” level will experience losses at some point.  By the way, an elite level trader generally realizes a consistent 25% annual ROI. Two Main Pillars There are many factors to why traders lose money.  Most of them can be summed up in ... Read more

$EVZ (EURO FX VIX): Pre-trading tool

If you’ve listened to the No Nonsense Forex podcasts, videos and read through the blogs, you probably have heard the term; “The Euro VIX”, or the Euro currency volatility index mentioned as a pre-trade tool.  You may ask yourself; “What it is, how can it help me, and what should I be looking for when … Read more

Forex Regulators – Who’s Watching Who?

The Watchers – a Look Into Trading Oversight Looking Through the Lens Let’s talk about who watches the market, through the referee lens.  Back in the early days of on-line trading, before the 2008 financial crises, the Spot Currency Market was akin to the wild west.  Brokers from all over the world lured traders with ... Read more

Playing into the Interest…

Currency Carry Trade The “Carry Trade” is an interesting and potentially intoxicating strategy.  Very popular with large hedge funds, individual retail traders and every sized organization in between, its popularity has flowed and ebbed over the years.  With dynamic economies and changing interest rates, opportunities to “play” currency pairs against each other in this fashion ... Read more

Hedging – is it Worth it?

No, not this kind…  Hedging is a strategy when a trader buys and sells the same currency pair (and lot size) at the same time.  The idea is that if the market is moving sideways without any particular trend, the trader would be positioned to close one side or the other once a trend is ... Read more